Beijing - Day 2
Another incredible day in China! We climbed over 1500 steps at a very steep location on the Great Wall about an hour outside of Beijing. Since we're traveling with Mark we went to the very top and not one step less. By the time we got back to the bottom (about 2 hours later) my legs were wobbling and I was challenged to even climb back into the van. It was cold and windy. Exhausting and exhilarating. There aren't enough adjectives to describe our experience here and it's only the 2nd day.
We have enjoyed our guide, Lina. She's very knowledgeable and has just as many questions about our culture as we do about hers. I think this is one of the very best things about traveling - really getting to know the people. We've found the Chinese to be friendly and welcoming. We're impressed with our driver, too - and with anyone who can drive in this traffic and live to tell about it. Pedestrians and bicyclists do not have the right of way anytime, anywhere. Neither does anyone in any particular vehicle.
The traffic was even heavier today, on a weekend, than it was yesterday. That's because people are restricted to driving only on certain days of the work week, but there are no restrictions on weekends.
Interesting & very delicious lunch today included donkey meat. (Actually I didn't taste that one. I'm just trying to sound adventurous.). There is a snack shop near the hotel that sells sea horses on a stick. Also sea stars and cicadas. We didn't have time to visit that place, but I have a feeling there will be other opportunities in the days to come...
We got a close-up view of the Bird's Nest (Olympic stadium) this afternoon. It was there that 2 young ladies asked to have their photo taken with Faya. After reading other adoptive families' blogs, I knew this was coming with two blonde children. I think they were really eyeing Nathan but were too shy to ask.
The rest of my family is enjoying a Kung Fu show tonight while I recharge at the hotel. Tomorrow we have 3-4 hour flight south to Nanning. Tomorrow night, our little one will spend her last night in the orphanage.
Lisa, these are awesome photos. I can tell by y'all's expressions that you're having a blast. I love "flat" Katie. It reminds me of the "flat" Greenslits' trip to Israel a few years back. :) It really puts things in perspective when you say that tonight is Lily's last night in the orphanage. Boy, is her life about to change! I'm praying for a smooth transmission for her into the Greenslit family. She is such a lucky girl! Stay safe and "feel the love"! Peace and blessings, Ellen