Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Here we go...

Ni hao, y'all,
Almost 7 years ago, we began the paperwork for an adoption in China.  I can hardly believe the time has finally come!  We leave tomorrow morning, fly through Seattle, and arrive in Beijing around midnight Thursday (Thursday morning in SC - we'll be 13 hours ahead of you).  We'll spend 3 nights there, adjusting to the time change (or not) and touring the Great Wall and Forbidden City, among other things.  We're hoping the predicted cold front will move the smog out of there!

Sunday it's off to Nanning, the major city closest to Lily.  She will be with us beginning Monday.  After 5 nights, we move on to Guangzhou where the American part of the paperwork will be completed.  See the map below to view our route through China.

Lots of activity here.  Bags everywhere - packing, weighing, unpacking, repacking - last minute trips to Walmart & CVS.  In the midst of this flurry of activity, we are all so very excited!  And so at peace as we look forward to the days ahead, and the amazing gift of another precious child.  We know we are covered in prayer and we thank you!


  1. Wish I could be there! Let's skype soon. Love you!

  2. What an exciting, wonderful journey!!! God bless you all!!!
